NEW! Legs and Core COMBO with a Ball
Use the ball for outer thigh sculpt and amazing core strengthening! The ball is easy to travel with! I finish out with amazing BACK work so you feel great in your summer wardrobe!
11 Minute Back and Butt with a Ball
Have a summer backside with this 11 minute video "back and butt" combo
Order your pilates ball HERE:
https://amzn.to/3v5zJ80 -
NEW! 19 Minute Core and Seat Combo
Use a glider or sock for ultimate core work and move on to a seat sculpt combo. I have your bottom knee on a yoga block, but the series can be done without one! Enjoy!
NEW! Legs and Arms Combo with Loop Band
All the great resistance of the loop band for your legs with weights for your arms! The loop band and weights are optional. Decrease reps if needed. Enjoy!
Core and Back combo
12 minutes of carving your mid-section! Work 360 on this back and core, short 12 min combo!
Lower and Upper Body Combo with Orange Tube #2
Building off of combo #1, see the back view for this upper and lower body burn! Use the orange resistance tube for an upper and lower body burn of a combo! to purchase your orange resistance tube click HERE:
https://amzn.to/2YmfrrW -
Beginner/Intermediate Pilates Mat
We ALL need a good pilates mat! Taken from the classical syllabus from Joseph Pilates, work your entire body in this 20 minute pilates mat!
Full body Combo: Cardio/Upper Body/Lower Body (optional green band and weights)
When you are short on time, but need a head to toe workout, go for the burn with this cardio combo. Start with big movements and incorporate upper body and glutes throughout. Finish the workout using the green loop band for added burn!
To purchase green band, message me for a single band, or y...
Upper/Lower body Combo with Resistance Tube
Use a light resistance tube to get an intense burn in the glutes and arms. Keep muscles long and pliable! The tube is easy to order on amazon. A great addition to your at-home equipment. Filmed in 1st trimester of pregnancy
TO purchase TUBE click HERE:
https://amzn.to/2YmfrrW -
20 Minute Pilates with Inner/Outer Thighs "Neck Safety"
Focusing on neck positions to avoid tension, start with core pilates exercises and move on to lower body! Ankle weights are optional and learn neck positions to help in ALL core/pilates videos!
"Reach up/Tap Back" Warm up/ Cardio/Plie Combo
This video starts with the class warm-up then moves into the cardio combo AND plies. This is great video to be paired with an arm, core, or lower body video for a 30 minute workout!
15 Minute Cardio and Barre Combo w/ OPTIONAL Light Weights
Blend full body cardio with a bilateral barre sequence for a short full body workout! To Purchase Weights Click HERE:
https://amzn.to/3gzy4PS -
Upper Body and Core Combo OPTIONAL Weights/Ball or Small Pillow
Work your upper and lower body together with this short but challenging combo. Start with planks, then move on to a seated arm/ab combination. You will need light weights and a ball or pillow.
To purchase a ball click HERE:
https://amzn.to/313KXfK -
No Equipment, No Choreography-Cardio and Barre
An 18 minute cardio "quickie" and barre combo! Easy to follow, NO choreography with a bilateral barre sequence. Great full body combo!
Lower Body (added core) with OPTIONAL Ankle Weights
Lower body sequence using added resistance (1 lb.ankle weights). Core work starts out this video, then move on to inner thighs and glutes.
If you do not have a pair of weights you can purchase them HERE:
https://amzn.to/2XN5pBm -
NEW! "Power Lunges" Lower Body/Core Combo
Start your lower body work in lunges and balances. Then, move on to seat work and core.
NEW! Upper/Lower Body Combo with Green Loop Band
The green band delivers some heat in this upper and lower body 16 minute combo!
NEW! Upper and Lower Body Combo--Standing
Balance AND Burn in this 15 minute combo with the orange resistance tube! To purchase tube click HERE:
https://amzn.to/2YmfrrW -
NEW! "Mermaid" Upper body with Lower Body Combo
Happy New Year! If you join live streams on Mondays I am OOT
1/1-1/6. Classes resume 1/7. Nothing works your obliques and arms like the slide of a mermaid exercise! Combine that with a dynamic lower body combo. The is taken from the full LIVE class "Mermaid" I love it so much here is the last 14... -
NEW! Upper and Lower Body Combo with Orange Resistance Tube Standing #2
#2 Standing combo in the orange tube series. I am wearing shoes in this video because I feel it's easier to anchor the band. Stretch and lengthen in this 21 min burner!
NEW! Core and Upper Body Combo "Passé Hips up"
No equipment needed for this 16 minute core and upper body combo! Great while on the go!
Core with Lower Body "Frog" Sequence
20 minutes! A combination of dynamic core movements, inner thighs and glutes.
1 optional light weight is used in core work. -
Core and Lower Body with Magic Circle
Start with core and move on to lower body using the pilates ring. So effective and never disappoints! To order your circle from amazon click
https://amzn.to/2lona7S -
NEW! Core and Lower Body Combo with Optional Ball or Towel
Squeeze in your core work and fire up your glutes in just 10 minutes! If you do not have a ball you can squeeze without!!! to purchase a ball click HERE: