Stretch Pack

Stretch Pack

A pack of videos just to work on flexibility! Stretching IS a workout and so important to stay injury free!

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Stretch Pack
  • NO Equipment INTERMEDIATE Stretch w/ Upper and Lower Body Toning

    25 minutes of stretching mixed with upper body and lower body toning. Never underestimate how sore you can be from good push ups and all 4 combo! Great when you want a workout strictly on the mat! No cardio.

  • 20 Minute Floor Stretch

    Do 10 minutes or the full 20! Treat your body to a stretch to keep our bodies moving properly! I have amped up the stretching in classes this week, due to a lot of tight hips! If you don't have a little partner, do the back bends with Sophia:)

  • 30 Minute Mat Flow Workout

    Optional Light weights and soft yoga block are all that I use for this full body mat workout. Some days we just want to be on the mat! Feel your entire body work in only 30 min!

  • 16 Minute Stretch

    Perfect addition to your weekly schedule